Hello everyone!

You are invited to Business Gathering by PERURI dan Indonesi In Your Hand

PERURI in collaboration with INDONESIA IN YOUR HAND, METASMESTA, SEACTIV will socializing INA Digital and PERURI SMEs BLOCKCHAIN + AI for Indonesian Diaspora & Dutch Entrepreneurs. 

Casual discussion with; 

1. Mrs Annisa Hapsari, Trade Attaché The Hague
2. Mr Fajar Rizki, Director of Finance & Risk Management PERURI
3. Mrs Farah Fitria Rahmayanti, Digital Director of PERURI
4. Mr YB Priyatmo Hadi, Assistant Deputy of Telecommunication & Media Services of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.
5. Mr Amiranto Adi Wibowo, CEO of Indonesia In Your Hand, METASMESTA & SEACTIV 

The importance of BLOCKCHAIN and AI to guarantee the authenticity of goods from Indonesia to ensure high quality products with a guarantee from PERURI as a State Company that issues Digital Certificates.

We are looking forward to your attendance. Please kindly send confirmation to Fiona +31620463398 or please register in this form

Logo Register

Thank you very much and see you on Saturday, 15th of June 2024.

Form Invitation